Belgian chocolate group Gudrun wins silver at leading trade fair ISM Cologne with cacaofruit bites

Gudrun, a leader in premium private label Belgian chocolates, has won the silver medal at ISM Cologne. ISM is one of the world’s leading trade shows for the sweets and snacks industry. Gudrun claimed the prize with UPPA, an innovative and sustainable cacaofruit bite that is not only plant-based and delicious, but also comes in unique packaging made from agricultural waste.

Gudrun’s cacaofruit bite is a confection with a special filling: the master chocolatiers at the Lier-based company have used the white pulp that surrounds the cocoa bean – which is usually discarded with the waste – and incorporated it into the filling. The result? A fruit bite with a fruity, tangy flavour that balances the intense dark chocolate. And that flavour is one of the things that impressed the members of the independent and specialized jury at ISM Cologne. The jury – experts from industry, trade and science – presented awards to the three best innovations at the fair.

“This award is a tremendous recognition of Gudrun’s pledge to do more for our planet and our future generations,” said Sofie De Lathouwer, CEO of Gudrun. “Our UPPA cacaofruit bites are a delicious and sustainable confection. It is a tribute to the unwavering commitment of our employees, who work hard every day to ensure that Gudrun, together with its customers and partners, contributes to a greener world.”

Unique flavour, less waste

One of the most exciting things about UPPA is that Gudrun is actually minimising waste with this product. Normally, only 30% of the cacaofruit – the bean in the centre of the fruit – is used to make chocolate. The white pulp around the bean is perfectly edible, but is usually thrown away. Given that 14 million tonnes of cacaofruits are harvested worldwide each year, this means that about 70% of the crop ends up in the waste stream.

By upcycling, Gudrun has ensured that the pulp of the fruit plays a valuable role in the UPPA filling. The sustainability aspect of the product is one of the reasons why the jury at ISM Cologne selected Gudrun’s creation for the award. UPPA perfectly meets the expectations of the younger generations and other consumers concerned about the planet.

Unique, sustainable packaging

Another feature that makes UPPA truly distinctive is the unique cup in which the cacaofruit bites are packaged. The cup is 100% recycable and made from upcycled agricultural waste. So not only is the product itself plant-based and sustainable, but the packaging is also helping to make the world a better place.

And that’s not all: if you look inside the lid of the cup, you will find a golden tip for prolonging your enjoyment of UPPA. “Our cacaofruit bite is covered in chocolate flakes. But we all know that some of these flakes will fall off and end up at the bottom of the packaging. If you leave two of the twelve cacaofruit bites in the cup and add your favourite plant-based drink, you get a delicious chocolate drink – giving the fruit bites and the cup a second life,” says Sofie De Lathouwer.

Visit the uppa website