UPPA & Upcycling: why this food movement deserves the spotlight

Here’s something you probably don’t know: June is Upcycling Food Month. The highlight? Upcycling Food Day on June 24th. Upcycling Food is a concept that’s still not widely known, and we are keen to shine a spotlight on it.

Upcycling Food?!

It’s all about reusing food items that we would normally throw away but are perfectly usable. In a world where we all need to live more consciously and frugally, food upcycling should be a

well-known concept. But it requires a lot of resources: research, development, and creativity from producers that don’t always get rewarded.

That’s why the Upcycled Food Association wants to draw extra attention to Food Upcycling in June. The goal: to encourage companies to work inventively with upcycling and to inspire consumers to buy upcycled food brands. They’re doing this cleverly with the hashtag #ShopUP. The only way is UPPA

Gudrun is fully engaged when it comes to the opportunities in Food Upcycling. Meet UPPA: a delicious “bite” of rescued cacao fruit. A 100% plant-based treat made from ingredients that the chocolate industry normally discards. Just taste it, and you’ll be amazed at how creatively you can deal with what seems like “waste” at first glance.

“Here’s an astonishing number to think about: Upcycling cacao fruit can reduce the same CO2 as planting 3.5 billion trees per year. That’s an area of forest bigger than Germany and France combined! (Source: UFA)”

Of course we don’t stop there. We collaborate with Peel Pioneers who reuse orange peels: the perfect extract to give additional flavor to our bites. Even our packaging is upcycled: We work together with Paperwise who use plant residues to create packaging instead of wood pulp. Cherry on the cake: they’re 100% CO2-neutral and 100% recyclable.

Will you join us in our plant-based green story? Send us a message and let’s talk!

Discover our latest innovation

A new plant-based chocolates range.